
Sep 26, 20195 min

3 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Your SEO for Beginners

3 quick and easy ways to improve your SEO

You have just started your blog or you are into the initial growth phase. Now you want to drive further traffic to your site and realised that SEO is the way to go get better search ranking and ultimately more traffic. However, like us, you want to get concrete advise on how to improve your SEO to get more traffic to your site.

When we started our travel blog, we had no clue about SEO, but quickly realised our need and started researching, started making changes, made lots of mistakes but slowly started getting better and better SEO results and subsequent traffic.

So, if you have a new emerging website and looking for quick and easy strategies you can use to improve your SEO today, then this post is for you.

Oh, and one more thing…, in the end, we have included two bonus tips to bring you further along the next level.

So, here we go:

First, get a free analytics tool to do quick audits of your site.

Knowing where you start is the only way to know if you improve from your efforts.

There are many free tools available but I have used the App SEO Check which is super simple and for PC which give you a bit more data, but still manageable if you are just getting started.

Google Analytics and the Google Search Console are of course great as well, but does not give you same easy overview of information in my view

SEO Check is super simple, you type in your website and you get a score of your SEO strength and a “to do” list of the actions you should take to improve you SEO.

Now that you know what you need to improve your SEO, it’s time to get to work.

1: Optimise your content

Search engines are in the business of providing information and answers to queries, and they rank the information based on the likelihood that it will provide the best answer to a given search query.

So, you want to think of the searches you would want to answer with your site’s information, and use those as your keywords in titles, headings and of course in the text.

You want to include these words you believe people will search for throughout your content.

But don’t overdo it! If you go overboard on your website with keywords, Google will pick up on this, and it will hurt your search ranking.

Keywords should fit naturally into sentences and you can include them in your header tags and even in image captions.

You should also use long-tail keywords, which are three to five words phrases that could be used in a search.

For example, someone probably won’t just search for the word “phone” when looking.

But they may type in the phrase “best phone for pictures” as an alternative.

If your keywords match their search, your website will have a greater chance of getting ranked higher.

2: Improve your speed by reducing the size of your images

Pictures and other images are great for your websites look and feel.

But you need to make sure they are optimized properly if you want these images to support your SEO ranking and not damage it.

I’m referring to factors such as the file format and size. Large images files can slow your page loading time, which will hurt your ranking.

Resize or compress your images to optimize them. There are several free tools available online where you just upload your image to reduce the size. Smaller size, faster loading.

On top of giving a quick impression of your content, images are also a great way sneak in a few keywords by naming your images accordingly.

For example, if you have a website that sells baby and toddler products.

Instead of naming an image something like “Sleep book” you could name it “best advice to get your baby to sleep.”

You can also strategically use keywords in the title of your image as well as the caption or description.

3: Break up your content with header tags

Optimising your headings is another great way to help improve the user experience on your website, which in turn is rewarded by search engines.

Headlines break up the content and make it easier to read or skim, but they must be created in the right hierarchy.

The hierarchy is the way your site is organised and used by search engines to examine your content.

It means your site should have a “Headline 1” first, then if you have a sub headline it should be “headline 2” and so forth.

Wordpress and Wix uses this way to categorise when you design your website, so all you need to do is to make sure your hierarchy follows this sequential logic as it helps Google index your information.

If you skip a level your SEO will suffer.

Plus, headers make everything look more appealing, which is always beneficial. If your website is just a wall of text, it’s going to discourage people from spending a long time on it.

More time spend on your page will again increase your ranking.

Bonus 1: Take a free course:

To bring you to the next level, you might want to consider taking an online course.

There are many course providers available. Check out the best ones here.

We have used which is one of the leading providers of tools for SEO specialists so its used by the Pros.

The cool thing is that they have a learning canter called SEMrush Academy where they offer basic courses in SEO for FREE

Depending on your appetite and need, the Academy has “SEO Fundamentals” to get you started ( this is the one I have used) and “Technical SEO” courses that cover everything from the basics to the advanced.

Link to the site here:

Bonus 2: Get a pro to help you:

If you are still reading it means you are serious about your SEO.

To do get more done you might want to consider hiring a professional.

On ex Fiverr or Upwork you can find many SEO solutions . Be careful to screen them. On these sites you usually get what you pay for so dont just go for the cheapest gigs.

Since we knew what we needed done after having done a site check, we found a simple solution where we could specify the work. We payed 50 Dollars get an additional audit, resizing of all our images, and update on our headlines, tags and keywords.

It saved us a lot of time, but spend some time to find out what is right for you.

Thats all, I hope you got some value out of this article and are ready to take your SEO to the next level.

Please reach out with comments or questions. We would love to hear from you.
